Ring of Fire is a new winter-hardy waterlily, another mutation or sport of Wanvisa. Though not an original here from Moore Waterlilies, this new waterlily should be popular for those wanting something with a two-tone appearance. This waterlily divides and multiplies quickly, so if we run out of stock notes, we will have more available within a few months.
'Ring of Fire' is a medium to large waterlily with, on average, 5 to 7-inch pads and can be planted from a few inches below the water line to two or more feet deep, depending on the pond. The lily pads are mottled red and green, similar to Wanvisa's. Fertilizer twice a month during the growing season with 4 to 5 aquatic plant tablets. A 12 to 16-inch wide pot is perfect if planting in a pond with a liner. Use loam topsoil with little to no organic material when planting and leave your rhizomes growing point above the soil line exposed to full sun.
Waterlilies prefer full sun for best blooming and regular dividing.